Wednesday, August 14, 2013

She's Alive!

I finally got the time to go work on my car this past weekend, and it feels like I'm getting somewhere now!  I installed the newly rebuilt carburetor without any trouble, and just ran the fuel pump line to a gas can.  After a little bit of work and tinkering, I was able to start her up!  It took a few tries and some carb adjustments, but she is running pretty darn smooth!  It still has a little bit of a miss, but that's probably due to the super old plugs, wires and distributer cap.  I'm sure changing that will make a difference.  However, I quickly realized the work I still have ahead of me.  Not only do I have to pull the gas tank and clean it out, I also saw that my radiator has these nice little pin holes in it.  That's no problem though, I figured I would have to replace it any way.  So, on to the next steps!